Green Knuckle Material is an indie rap-rock band from Bergen County, New Jersey. The band is comprised of five members donning the monikers Scatterbrain, Young Dan, D String, Mudd Dog, and The Hawaiian.
Check out my exclusive interview with them below.
TT: How did Green Knuckle Material form?
GKM: In the year 4000 George Kilroy Marten, the universe's last hope, faced off against his arch enemy The Huntress, Master of Dark Folk witchery who sought to devour the cosmos. During their battle she sent him back in time, splitting his essence into 5 separate entities and thrusting them to the year 2016. Those 5 entities went on to become Green Knuckle Material.
TT: Where did the name come from?
GKM: Green Knuckle Material is the source of all organic life.
TT: Where does the band draw its influences?
GKM: We all bring our own influences as musically we are from different backgrounds. Hip hop, pop, punk, and folk all meshed into one. Artist like Ed Sheeren really influence our melodies but musically we draw from bands like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sumblime, and Twenty One Pilots.
TT: Do you have a similar sound to any bands out there?
GKM: We haven’t come across anyone whose sound is really that similar to ours. We are very different so we pretty much slot into most bills, be it hip hop or folk rock we play pretty much everywhere.
TT: What is your recording process like?
GKM: We have our own studio and that helps a lot. We track drums first and from there we build our song like a house, from the bottom up. A lot of the color instruments, like sax and keys, go on just before we do the vocals.
TT: How did you get signed to Bad Cat Records?
GKM: We did a live session with Jake while we were touring over the summer. It had pretty good results on YouTube. We really liked how professional Jake was and also how ambitious he was. We knew right away this was someone we wanted to work with and that he felt the same way about us.
TT: What would your dream tour look like?
GKM: North America with Twenty One Pilots. There’s a lot of bands we’d love to tour with but they are at the top of our list, so if you know anybody in their camp see what you can do, haha.
TT: What is the band currently up to?
GKM: We’re pretty busy over the next few months playing tons of shows in our main hub of New Brunswick. The basement scene has been kind to us and we really love it there. We’re also playing at Rowan University on March 3rd and making a trip up to CT Jan 27th playing with some friends from Bad Cat on a little run. All the while we are working on finishing up our next ep, a reissue of three songs off of our first album, and writing tons of new music. Our singer YDK is also going to be releasing a solo album of Pop Dance Music soon as well so if that tickles a fancy keep your eyes peeled for that.
You can download Green Knuckle Material's EP Renaissance for FREE here:
If you like Green Knuckle Material, be sure to check out Get Off My Lawn Records, a co-op of artists pooling their resources to make cool stuff! Get 10% anything in their catalog by using the code ninja1.
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